SLIMMING YOGA in 3 easy steps: fast results

Most of the articles on yoga for weight loss are superficial. They give many exercises which look elsewhere in common yogas that do not carry any value. As a result, no matter how much you study in these lessons, abs. And the arm will stay with you. In fact, you can lose weight very quickly with yoga if you know how. So, I'll tell you about a real quick way that I accidentally did during my yoga classes. Was discovered

To be honest, I never had any doubt if yoga helps reduce abdominal fat. It has always been clear to me that a flat stomach is an added benefit of regular yoga practice. I have noticed thatPeople who constantly go to yoga classes how they transform and become slim and fit. But it all happens slowly. If you want to get results as soon as possible, read the article till the end. If you know the simplest yoga exercises for weight loss at home, then I will tell you about three secret yoga exercises that will allow you to remove belly fat literally one centimeter in a day.

yoga for weight loss for beginners at home

Asanas at home - It is very easy to do static yoga asanas. To do this, it is enough to spread the rug in the morning and do some simple exercises. Do this yoga yoga every morning to lose weight at home. It only takes 15 minutesThe complex includes all types of asanas: erect paws, bend, twist. Each asana affects certain areas of the body, improves blood circulation and metabolism, normalizes hormonal levels, and graduallyMassages the internal organs. Through these effects, this yoga complex triggers the process of weight loss. Static asanas are more related to the direction of hatha yoga, Kundalini yoga has also been proven to be good for weight loss.

Why is it recommended to practice in the morning? Because usually at this time our stomach is empty and about 8 hours have passed since the last meal. This is a significant nuance. One of the yoga masters I studied: the effectiveness of the asana depends on the emptiness of the stomachAnd, of course, before adopting this simple yoga for weight loss, drink a glass of water and empty your intestines.

Chair pose
  • Stand upright with feet about the width of your feet, breathe and raise your hands above your head and place your palms inward.
  • Bend your knees and bend, as if sitting in a chair.
  • Your torso will naturally bend forward slightly. Try to straighten your shoulders, pull your shoulder blades back, and push your shoulders away from your ears. Breathe deeply, breathe 5 deep and breathe. Skip
  • Stand in the same chair position, but instead of spreading your hands over your head, lower them to chest level, bending your legs.
  • Then bring your palms together as a prayer and bend your upper body to the right so that your left elbow will be gently on your right thigh.
  • Keep your abs strong and keep breathing deeply and exhale. Keep the posture for five in and out breaths. When you inhale, return to the starting position to straighten your knees, and thenRepeat the exercise on the other side.
  • Move your knees around with shoulder width, palms directly under your shoulders.
  • spread your fingers and put your weight on your hands.
  • As you exhale, raise your knees off the floor and straighten your legs, raising your pelvis.
  • While raising your palms and stretching your back, pull your palms and feet in different directions as you push the floor with your palms and feet. Relax your neck and relax your head. Hang with form.
  • 5 Stay in this position while breathing deeply and exhaling.
  • Starting position - facing the dog. As you breathe, straighten your left leg and lift it as high as you can.
  • As you exhale, slowly bend your leg, bring your left knee to your chin. As you do this, pull your stomach towards your spine, sucking your stomach. Try it.
  • On the next breath, raise your leg straight and up again. Repeat 5 times for one leg and 5 times for the other.
  • Warrior pose
  • Starting position - facing the dog. Bring your right leg forward between your arms so that you are in low cocks like a runner before starting.
  • Turn the left heel slightly upward so that the left toes are facing the right heel.
  • Raise your torso up while raising your arms. Straighten your shoulders and bend your back slightly, pushing your chest out.
  • Take a deep breath, take 5 deep breaths in this position. Then repeat the exercise on the other side.
  • Initial Position - Warrior Pose 1. Straighten your right leg and shift your entire body weight into it.
  • Raise your left foot off the floor and bend forward while leaning forward so that your body looks like a tee. Your entire body is parallel to the ground. The ankle and hands are pulled forward, and the toes of the left foot are pulled back. If you find it difficult to maintain balance, first you can help yourself by leaning on a chair.
  • Stay in this position for five breaths and then repeat on the other side.
  • Lie on your stomach with your feet together, your forehead resting on the mat, your arms forward, palms down.
  • Squeeze your abdomen and buttocks, raising your straight legs and hands. Keep your feet, hands and upper body above the navel above the ground, resting only on your hips and lower abdomen.
  • Take a deep breath, take five deep breaths in and out.
  • Lie on your stomach with your forehead on the mat, and spread your arms towards you, palms up. When you exhale, bend your knees, pull your buttocks as much as possible of your buttocks. Hold your ankles with your hands and keep your hips shoulder-width apart.
  • When you inhale, lift your upper body and thighs off the floor and reach back from your buttocks with your heel. Be sure to relax your lower back by spreading your shoulder blades down and back. Only the lower abdomen and hip joints are in contact with the floor.
  • Take 5 deep breaths in this position, and then return to the starting position.
  • Separate your four legs with your feet slightly, directly under your shoulders.
  • Tighten your abs and keep your back straight, raise your right leg and left arm at the same time, straighten them as much as possible. 5 Position this body for deep breathing and exhalationKeep it
  • Then repeat the same with your left leg and right hand.
  • Raise arms and legs
  • This is the same exercise as the previous one, with the difference that here we are on a plank, not all squares.
  • Start by standing in a plank with straight arms.
  • Then, keeping your back straight, raise your left leg and right hand, pulling them out as far as possible. Do this asana for 5 deep breaths.
  • then repeat in opposite direction.

yoga for weight loss

Do you want your weight loss yoga classes to work really well? So that every morning you really feel that you are getting easier? Then do not get lazy after completing a complex of asanas to practice breathing exercises (pranayama) and meditation. Meditation + Pranayam + Asanas - This is the magical recipe of yoga for weight loss. Yoga including all three components in your lessonStart every morning with, and the results will not be long in coming.

Fat Burning Meditation

Yoga restores hormonal balance in the body through calming the mind and achieving inner harmony. But this is not the only reason that yoga contributes to weight loss. Let's have a look whether a studio or fitnessWhat is the practice of a specific yoga class in the club.

A yoga lesson usually starts with meditation. In almost any class, you must first sit quietly for 10 minutes and be aware of what is happening inside and outside.

Many studies confirm that just a regular practice of meditation already has a positive effect on health, hormones and normalization of weight. In addition, meditation develops awareness, Which leads to better eating behavior and more adorable attitude towards eating.


The other thing you will do in yoga is pranayama, that is, breathing exercises.

Some pranayamas are designed to train a very important muscle in our body - the diaphragm.

A constantly sedentary lifestyle leads to the fact that the diaphragm simply stops working at full strength and becomes weak and tight. And most Western training systems pay less attention to this muscle. But yogaNo.

In yoga, great importance is attached to correcting the breathing and developing the diaphragmatic way of breathing. This is why you will do a lot of pranayama and allow your diaphragm to work harder and expand with full forceWill give

The motion of the diaphragm during breathing is very beneficial for the whole body.

  • First, each expansion and contraction of the diaphragm performs a gentle massage of the internal organs - the heart, liver, pancreas, gall bladder, thereby purifying them and stimulating their work.
  • Secondly, the diaphragm directly affects the digestive process, affecting the stomach, if, of course, we do not forget to move it actively.
  • And third, with one full deep exhalation, the diaphragm, rising upwards, affects the solar plexus region, where tens of thousands of nerve endings are interconnected, leading to stimulation of the parasympathetic nervous system. Responsible for rest and recovery of the body.

The parasympathetic nervous system is often suppressed as a result of the constant pursuit of modern man's goals. Constant stress, tension, nervous activity inhibits the body's healing processes and recurrence. And the masters of yoga, the whole of it. Aware, has developed breathing exercises that bring the two opposite nervous systems - parasympathetic and sympathetic - into balance. This contributes to more weight loss than a consistently fatiguing diet and exercise.

Pranayama, possibly the most famous for weight loss, is called udiyana bandha. Many people today know this practice as "vacuum". So it is an integral part of the "modern" vacuum yoga system, which manyHas been present for thousands of years.

3 easy steps for faster results

For those who have read the article to the end, having done all asanas, breathing exercises and meditation judiciously, I will tell you about an interesting case from my yoga practice. I will share my personal experience.

first secret

The practice of asanas in yoga is considered to be an initial stage only for pranayama - breathing exercises. And pranayama, in turn, serves for the preparation of meditation - to purify the mind and concentrate. So, at a certain stage of my practice, I started breathing training. My goal was to learn to hold my breath for as long as possible. After the beginning of this kind of training, literally, I suddenly noticed that everyIn the morning I feel lightheadedness in my body and stomach. And the fat on the stomach and sides has reduced significantly. This unusual effect sparked my interest. I started looking for information on the internet and realized that the only experience I hadIn addition, there are complete effective weight loss system on the basis of breathlessness. So you can take this method in vogue.

I have dealt with delays at the freediving training table, these are people who plunge into the sea without Cubans.

here is my workout table:

  1. delay 1 minute - rest 1: 30
  2. delay 1: 30 - rest 1: 30
  3. delay 1: 30 - rest 1: 30
  4. delay 1: 35 - rest 1: 30
  5. 1: 40 delay

This table is for holding the breath while breathing.

While resting between sets, I also took short breaks of 20–30 seconds for a full exhale.

second secret

This secret has a lot to do with breathing. I'm not a doctor and I don't know how this effect is explained in medical terms, it's just my personal observation. So, I saw that ifWhen you try to take full breaths during the daytime breathing, the abdominal fat does not freeze. It seems easy, but if you look at yourself, you may find that at the end of each exhalation, yourThere is still air in the lungs that you can breathe in. This is especially true when you are sitting. If your back and lower back are rounded, it will be difficult for you to breathe fully. MostChances are, the effect of this method of breathing is due to the fact that the muscles of the press, lower back, and diaphragm are used to exhale completely. Thus, they are kept in good shape.

In short, the second secret of yoga for weight loss is: During the day, try to breathe for 2 times longer than breathing and you will be happy.

third secret

The third secret also flows easily from the second. And, perhaps, this is the most important rule to lose weight with the help of yoga - streamline the muscles of the lower back. Working together, stretching and strengthening them - it is definitely very effective in removing fat from the abdomen and sides. A sedentary lifestyle virtually kills the lower back, which has to be in a stretchy state. Muscles that have lost their elasticity, are unable to support body weight, have an imbalance, which leads to accumulation of fat. There is a yoga exercise that can help you lose weight quickly and effectively. Do this only 5 minutes a day and the result will be.

  • Roll a blanket or towel.
  • Lie on the floor and place a rolled blanket under your lower back.
  • Bring your arms behind your head and bring your little fingers with you.
  • Extend your legs and connect your thumbs.
  • Lie in this position for 5 minutes.

This practice brings the pelvis, lower back and back to their natural state. As a result, belly fat becomes unnecessary and goes away quickly.

Losing Weight with Yoga - Basic Principles

The most important principle of yoga for weight loss is consistent exercise. I recommend exercising 6 times a week, at least one hour every day.

If this seems like a difficult schedule, start with short workouts, but every day, this approach will help you form a habit. And when yoga becomes familiar, you will naturally be able to do it for a while. To stay on the mat.

The second principle is what you really enjoy. Try to find some happy, pleasant sensations in yoga. The main task is to connect yoga classes with feelings of bliss.

Third Principle - Don't just think about losing weight. Remember that yoga is very beneficial for the body as well as the mind, psyche and state of mind. Weight loss is only a good bonus, and you can do it. Very soon you will understand if you practice yoga regularly for at least 2-3 months.